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PC USB Noise & Vibration Measurement Systems
Digital IEPE Interface Based Measurement Systems
PC USB 24-bit dual-channel data acquisition IEPE interface: 48kHz sampling rate, 0.03Hz~23kHz bandwidth, 6 voltage ranges, built-in 24V 4mA constant current supply to IEPE senesors, USB bus powered
Digital Charge Amplifier Based Measurement Systems
PC USB 24-bit dual-channel data acquisition interface with charge input: 48kHz sampling rate, 0.03Hz~23kHz bandwidth, 12 charge ranges, super stable charge integration capacitor against temperature and humidity variation, overload detection and reset, USB bus powered                               
Digital Accelerometner Based Vibration Measurement Systems
Digiducer 333D01
Digiducer 333D01
PC USB 24-bit all-in-one accelerometer: 48kHz sampling rate, 0.9Hz~15kHz bandwidth, ±20g and ±10g full-scale ranges, USB bus powered
Digiducer 333D04
Digiducer 333D04
PC USB 24-bit all-in-one accelerometer: 48kHz sampling rate, 0.9Hz~15kHz bandwidth, ±100g and ±50g full-scale ranges, USB bus powered

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