Multi-Instrument: Signal Generator

Spectrum Analyzer


  1. DAC Hardware Related Specifications

    Sound Card Based Systems:

    1. Bandwidth: 1 Hz - 200 kHz (sound card dependent).
    2. Maximum Output Voltage: about 2 V (sound card dependent).
    3. Selectable sampling frequency (up to 768 kHz), sampling bit resolution (8, 16, 24 or 32 bits) and sampling channels (one or two) (sound card dependent).
    4. Support calibration of the output channels.

    Non Sound Card Based Systems:

    Please refer to the respective hardware manual.

  2. Support predefined waveforms: Sine, Rectangle, Triangle and Saw Tooth. The duty cycle for a rectangle wave is adjustable.
  3. Support non-repetitive pink noise and white noise generation. It is possible to generate identical or different noises across channels.
  4. Support multi-tones generation. A Multi-Tones is a combination of predefined waveforms with different amplitudes, frequencies, and phases. Pink noise and white noise with specified amplitude can also be added into the multi-tones. Maximum 200 tones can be combined in each channel. In addition to the manual configuration method, automatic configuration method is provided to generate multitones that are aligned to FFT bands or fractional octave bands within a specified frequency range. When the multitones are aligned to FFT bands, it is possible to specify the signal's frequency response: white noise (flat), pink noise (1/f) or arbitrary (a frequency response file *.frf).
  5. Support arbitrary waveform generation through user defined waveform library. A waveform library is a TXT file containing the coordinates of each point in one cycle of the waveform. There is no limit as to how many points can be used to define a waveform. Two types of libraries are supported: Waveform Library and Bit Perfect Library.
  6. Support Maximum Length Sequence (MLS) generation. The length can be selected from 127 to 16777215.
  7. Support Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) generation.
  8. Support musical scale tone generation.
  9. The predefined waveform, multi-tones and user-defined waveform can be generated at a frequency that sweeps linearly or logarithmically within a specified frequency range and time duration.
  10. The predefined waveform, white noise, pink noise, multi-tones, user-defined waveform and MLS can be generated at an amplitude that sweeps linearly or logarithmically within a specified amplitude range and time duration. Option is provided to allow a reverse sweep after a forward sweep.
  11. Allow specifying the phase difference between the two channels if the output signals have the same frequency.
  12. The amplitude of the output signal is adjustable. Support Auto Ranging.
  13. The generated signal can be saved as a WAV file or a TXT file for a duration of up to 1000s.
  14. The output signal can be looped back partially (i.e. only one channel while the other channel can be used for field input) or fully (i.e. both channels), via the software itself, to the input of the oscilloscope for display and analysis in real time. Synchronized operation between the Signal Generator and the Oscilloscope with a timing accuracy in the same order of the sampling frequency is also supported. It is possible to specify when to start the Oscilloscope after the Signal Generator is started.
  15. It is possible to add a mask with specified periodic on/off timing to the signal to be output so that a burst-type signal can be generated. You can choose whether to phase-lock each burst. The mask can be specified as a window function in order to shape the envelope of the output signal. It is also possible to specify the off/on amplitude ratio.
  16. Support fade in/out and modulation (AM, FM, PM) of the output signal.
  17. Support DDS mode for those devices that support DDS mode.
  18. Support DC offset adjustment for those devices that support it.
  19. Supports Multilingual User Interface under Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 and above. Currently supported languages are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean.


Sine wave
Square Wave (duty cycle adjustable)
Triangle Wave
Saw Tooth Wave
Arbitrary Wave (user defined)
Multi-Tones Stimulating 32 1/3 Octave Bands at Their Centerline Frequencies
Narrow Band Spectrum Analysis of White Noise (flat)
Octave Band Spectrum Analysis of White Noise (+3dB/octave)
Narrow Band Spectrum Analysis of Pink Noise (-3dB/octave)
Octave Band Spectrum Analysis of Pink Noise (flat)
Narrow Band Spectrum Analysis of MLS (flat)
Signal Fade In and Out
Burst Signal (gated by Rectangle window)
J-TEST Signal for AES3 Jitter Test
Frequeny Sweep (linear) with Narrow Band FFT
Amplitude Sweep (linear)
Frequeny Sweep (logarithmic) with Octave Analysis
Multitone Phase Optimization to Minimize Crest Factor (Before: blue, After: red)
Multitone Periodic White Noise within Specified Frequency Range (Narrow Band FFT)
Multitone Periodic Pink Noise within Specified Frequency Range (Octave Analysis)
Multitone with Aribrary Spectrum (Male Speech as defined in IEC 60286-16)
Multitone with Arbitrary Spectrum (RIAA Recording Response)
Digital Filter Impulse Response & Bode Plot Measurement using Unit Impulse Signal
Jitter Measurement using J-TEST Signal
Digital Filter Step Response Measurement using Unit Step Signal
ANSI / CEA-2010 Subwoofer Peak SPL Test using a 6.5-cycle Hann Windowed Sine Burst
Multitone Periodic Band Limited Pink Noise under Octave Analysis
Impulse Response Measured with Single Field Input under Partial Loopback Mode (iB=oA)
Generation of a Amplitude Modulation Signal
Generation of a Frequency Modulation Signal
Generation of a Phase Modulation Signal
Generation of a Periodic Signal with a DC offset