ADC Hardware Related Specifications
Sound Card based systems:
- Scan Time: 100 µs~500 s (computer memory dependent).
- Bandwidth: 10 Hz - 200 kHz (sound card dependent).
- Maximum Allowable Input Voltage (if connected directly): about 3 V (sound card dependent).
- Selectable sampling frequency (up to 768 kHz), sampling bit resolution (8, 16 24 or 32 bits) and sampling channels (one or two) (sound card dependent)
- Four trigger modes: Auto, Normal, Single and Slow.
Support triggering by rising edge, falling edge, or both at a specified trigger level or for a specified amount of change, in the selected input channel. Support trigger frequency
- Support pre-triggering and post triggering from 0 to 100% of the specified record length.
- Continuously monitor the input signal such that no trigger event is missed before data collection
- Support calibration of the input channels with the input gain setting automatically being taken into account. Re-calibration is not necessary even if the gain setting changes.
Non Sound Card based systems:
Please refer to the respective hardware manual.