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Multi-Instrument - Device Test Plan
Multi-Instrument - Device Test Plan

1. Provides a mechanism for you to configure and conduct your own device test steps. It takes the advantage of the sound card’s (or other ADC/DAC hardware’s) capability of simultaneous input & output, to generate a stimulus to the Device Under Test (DUT) and acquire the response from that device at the same time. Different stimuli can be generated and the response can be analyzed in different ways.

2. Supports 23 instructions with corresponding parameters.  Support using variables in scripts.

3. Parameters to be tested can be selected from 242 DDPs and 16 UDDPs, including RMS value, Peak Frequency, Sound Pressure Level, RPM, Gain, THD, etc.

4. Test results (e.g. Gain vs Frequency, Phase vs Frequency, etc.) can be plotted in up to 8 X-Y plots and reported in one textual log window called Device Test Plan Log in real time.  The data in X-Y Plots can be exported as TXT files or copied into the clipboard as text and later pasted into other software such as Microsoft Excel for further analysis. The graph of the X-Y plot can be copied into the clipboard as Bitmap image and later pasted into other software such as Microsoft Word. The graphs can also be printed out directly or exported as BMP files. The data in the Device Test Plan Log can be saved as a TXT file.

5. Support batch file processing and batch signal event capturing and storing.

6. A device test plan can be created, edited, modified, saved, locked, reloaded, executed.

7. There are two types of device test plans: locked and unlocked. A locked device test plan cannot be modified within the software after it has been created.

8. Support Pass/Fail check. Support connection with external systems through serial communication.

9. Supports Multilingual User Interface under Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 and above. Currently supported languages are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean.


Multi-Instrument Device Test Plan Pass Fail Test
Pass / Fail Test

Multi-Instrument Device Test Plan Gain and Phase Plot
Gain and Phase Plot using Stepped Sine

Multi-Instrument Device Test Plan THD, THD+N, SNR, Magnitude Response vs Frequency
THD, THD+N, SNR, Magnitude Response vs Frequency

Multi-Instrument Device Test Plan Crosstalk vs Frequency
Crosstalk vs Frequency

Multi-Instrument Device Test Plan THD and THD+N vs Magnitude and Power
THD and THD+N vs Magnitude and Power

Multi-Instrument Device Test Plan IMD vs Magnitude and Power
IMD vs Magnitude and Power

THD vs Output dBFS
Output THD vs Output dBFS of a DAC
dBV vs Output dBFS
Output dBV vs Output dBFS of a DAC (Input-Output Linearity Graph)
(dBV is measured with a narrow band in frequency domain to exclude noises)

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Subwoofer Max. Output SPL Test according to CEA-2010
Howling Test System
Transfer Function Measurement using Frequency Stepped Sine Signal
from 1Hz to 50MHz and Auto Ranging Algorithm with DSO-2A20E
Subwoofer CEA-2010 Max. Output Test
Impedance & Phase Measurement using Frequency Stepped Sine Signal
from 1Hz to 50MHz and Auto Ranging Algorithm with DSO-2A20E

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