Thank you for your questions.
1. Your first DTP uses Variable x3 for the output dBFS of the DUT and Variables x1 and x2 for the Input Ranges of the two input channels of RTX6001. It contains an auto-ranging function. The auto-ranging function starts the Input Range of RTX6001 from the lowest one: 0.1414V, conducts a trial run (the two "sio*" steps. The first one is used to actually switch the Input Range. It allows RTX6001 to become stable after the possible relay switching before the trial measurement is performed by the second one) and steps up by 10dB (the RTX6001’s attenuation incremental) if the measured PeakLeveldBFS in the trial run is greater than -3dB. The last “SIO” step is the real measurement and the DDPs obtained in this step are used for the X-Y Plots.
There are two errors found in this DTP:
(1) As you have already found out, the aliases of the DDPs to be captured “IMD-SMPTE, Ch.A (dB)” and “IMD-SMPTE, Ch.B (dB)” contain a comma “,”, which is unfortunately the control character in the DTP file (a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) file). It interferes with the data parsing when loading a DTP file. We have thus tightened the input validation of the alias edit box in the DTP configuration panel. Thank you so much for your finding.
(2) The DDPs to be captured include RMSDBV_A(dBEU) and RMSDBV_B(dBEU). But the loaded Panel Setting File “RTX6001\IMD_SMPTE_60Hz(4)_7kHz(1)_FFT131072_RTX6001.psf” does not contain the instrument to supply these two values. The Multimeter window needs to be opened in dBV mode to do that. By the way, this DTP is slow because this PSF file has a linear inter-frame average of 10 frames. It can be removed if the average is not required.
When you run this DTP, you will find that "NA" is displayed as the values for the DDPs to be captured in the last "SIO" step. Thus the X-Y Plots show no data.
The attached DTP file has corrected the above two errors.
2. Your second DTP specifies the output dBFS and Input Ranges explicitly but does not contain the above auto ranging function which causes the problem mentioned. Although it is still possible to implement the above auto ranging function in this way, the number of steps required will be much more than the first DTP in which variables are used instead. When the SIR instruction is used, the input range value must be within 5% of the hardware supported, otherwise, "Measuring range not supported” error message will pop up. Please also note that the SIR instruction does not actually switch the Input Range until a SIO or STI instruction is implemented.