Re: Quit the server-client architecture and focus on peer-2-

Re: Quit the server-client architecture and focus on peer-2-

Postby aksheykumar » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:42 pm

a real bang for your buck. I bought the RTA-168 package primarily for room acoustics measurements and there are two bugs that I want you to know of:
1) The pink noise generator seems to be a bit flaky.
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Re: Quit the server-client architecture and focus on peer-2-

Postby VirtinsTech » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:44 pm

Unlike most of the digital pink noise generators in the market, which eventually repeat the same segment of pink noise (for example 1-second pink noise), the pink noise generated in MI is "true" pink noise without any form of repetition. It is not band limited and thus contains very low frequencies that follow the "pink noise law" as well. The following figure shows the spectrum of a 100-second long pink noise save from the signal generator of MI. It can be seen that the signal contains very low frequencies (less than 1Hz) following the "pink noise law", i.e. -3dB/octave or -10dB/decade.
100SecondPinkNoise.png (114.57 KiB) Viewed 47873 times

Anyway, the existence of low frequencies does not affect, in any aspect, the measurement accuracy in audio frequency range. In fact, it allows the measurement of frequency lower than 20Hz. The following are the pink noise spectrum under octave analysis. It is flat enough for any EQ measurement.

PinkNoise.png (88.17 KiB) Viewed 47873 times
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