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Generate identical white/pink noise for all the channels

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:38 am
by Paul
Dear VIrtins,

Could you please add something like "oA = oB" option in the signal generator?
It would allow users to generate identical white/pink noise for all the channels simultaneously.
I need this function to measure the gain and phase balance vs. frequency between the two channels of DACs.

Thanks a lot!


Re: Generate identical white/pink noise for all the channels

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:48 pm
by VirtinsTech
Thanks for the suggestions.

An option will be added in the "..." button on the signal generator panel to allow the user to select whether to make the white and pink noises in both channels identical. It will be included in the coming minor version upgrade.

Meanwhile, with the current version, you can still generate identical periodic white or pink noise via the MultiTone function.

Re: Generate identical white/pink noise for all the channels

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:32 pm
by Paul
Thank you very much!
I am looking forward to the coming minor version.

Re: Generate identical white/pink noise for all the channels

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:42 am
by VirtinsTech
This function has been included in MI 3.9.1 which can be downloaded from