Non Intuative Controls

Non Intuative Controls

Postby Testman » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:41 am

Non Intuative Controls

Hi Gals & Guys.

I am evaluating Multi-Instrument using the Trial software, and I must say
the controls to set ranges on both the Oscilloscope and spectrum Analyser
are very, very poor indeed.

Would it be possible to have on the RHS of each of these instruments display
windows some controls which resemble that which one would expect to see on the
real thing.


Post at 16-8-2013 17:33

Thank you for your comments. The ADC range selection controls are located in the second toolbar at the top of the screen and are always visible. Normally, there is no need to select the ranges for the rest of instruments (oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer...) as these ranges are all derived from the ADC ranges. They are called "display ranges" and should be left at "Auto" to allow the software to select them for you based on the ADC ranges selected. You can zoom in & out by putting the mouse cursor on the axis you want to zoom in / out until a maginfying glass is shown. You can then left click to zoon in and right click to zoom out. For the next version, touch to zoom in/out and scroll will be supported as well.

In Multi-Instrument, it is possible that the display ranges of the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer are very different from the ADC ranges selected. Normally the ADC ranges is expressed in Volt or Ampere, but the display ranges of the oscilloscope can be expressed in any engineering unit depending on the sensor used. You can set the sensor sensivity via [Setting]>[Calibration]>“Sensor Sensitivity”. If the display ranges of the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer have a proportional relationship with the ADC ranges , then leave the former ones to "Auto" and let the software to choose automatically. Only in some rare cases (for instance, an accelerometer is used, but velocity or displacement is displayed instead, an example of nonproportional relationship), the user may have to manually select the display ranges for the oscilloscope and spectrum to override those selected automatically by the software.

Post at 21-8-2013 16:27

Hi Virtins.

Thanks for your response.

I have ordered my Multi Instrument now, so I guess
I'll get better versed in how it works when it comes.


Post at 21-8-2013 22:02
Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:51 pm

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