RJA4000 wrote:As one can see, the Noise level varies quite a lot with the FFT Window size when level is at -2.4dBFS (pretty similar to my previous measurements)
But it's stable when you lower the level.
RJA4000 wrote:Another interesting thing is the variation with the number of averaged frames:
Thank you so much for these observations which are very helpful. We have thus done a detailed investigation and found that these strange behaviours occur only when the signal level (S) is roughly 165 dB or more above the "apparent" noise level. This condition will be satisfied only when FFT size is very large, the noise level of the test is extremely low, and the signal level is close to the maxium. The cause of the issue has something to do with how to maintain the required precision during numerical computation. We have improved the code in our internal version and it will be released soon in MI 3.9.