compensation...lost all the time
Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:15 pm
by morillon
Good morning
I apologize for using the auto translator
I use virtins in "correction" mode with a "riaa"....
when I navigate between the different functions in a session it is exhausting to systematically lose this correction and have to put it back...
Would it be possible for it to be present until the decision to withdraw it?
Perhaps it would be wise to put a clear marker of the presence "in use "of ""compensation"", a nice colored "c" in one of the banners, a very useful reminder.... (see next to ddp?, see which references on the spectrum analyzer properties menu) ?
Re: compensation...lost all the time
Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:10 am
by VirtinsTech
Thank you for your question.
The RIAA frequency compensation file (*.fcf) can be loaded by right clicking the Spectrum Analyzer window and select [Spectrum Analyzer Processing]>”Compensation 1” >”ReproducingRIAA.fcf”. Once configured, it will stay there until you load a Panel Setting File via [Setting]>[Load Panel Setting] or click a button in the Hot Panel Setting toolbar (third toolbar from the top) to load a Panel Setting File. When a frequency compensation file is configured in place, “-C-” will be displayed at the bottom left part of the Spectrum Analyzer window.
Re: compensation...lost all the time
Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:31 pm
by morillon
but either I misunderstood you..
or maybe I didn't explain my problem clairly...
for example...
I use a phono card..
I'm in thd and therefore place the recordingriaa.fcf correction....
but just want to switch to imd...or crosstlk...or frwhite etc etc
with each function change, I therefore have to put this compensation's ""heavy""
a bug?
(ps I just saw this -C-!!! sorry...I didn't notice...)
Re: compensation...lost all the time
Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:51 am
by VirtinsTech
That is not a bug. By right, you should manually configure all the parameters for THD, IMD or Frequency Response measurements. For example, you can set THD measurement by right clicking the Spectrum Analyzer window and selecting [Spectrum Analyzer Processing]>"Parameter Measurement">"THD, THD+N, ...". Of course, you will have to manually set other THD measurement related parameters as well, including Record Length, Window Function, Window Overlap Percentage, test signal on the Signal Generator Panel, etc. If you change all these setting manually, the frequency compensation file will stay unchanged, UNLESS YOU LOAD A PANEL SETTING FILE (either through [Setting]>[Load Panel Setting] or by clicking a button in the Hot Panel Setting Toolbar), in which case the frequency compensation file specified in the preconfigured Panel Setting File will be loaded instead.
If you click the "THD", "IMDsmp" or "FRwhite" from the Hot Panel Setting Toolbar, the software will load a respective preconfigured PSF file, and all the current panel settings will be updated with what are specified in that PSF file. You can check and change the PSF file associated with the buttons in the Hot Panel Setting toolbar via [Setting]>[Configure Hot Panel Setting Toolbar].
Re: compensation...lost all the time
Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:07 am
by morillon
thank you for your response..
I understand your logic..but you will have understood my expectation-idea, such a type of correction cannot be agreed "in advance" and concerning the whole of a session..separate mode of spectrum settings etc easly "generale preferencie" ..
I very much regret that your powerful software does not have some simple and ergonomic functions... easy screen capture facilitating exchanges... and the precise proportioning of windows "limits" as we can see at rew etc... ( and aes17 mode)