How to keep instrument windows same size & position?

How to keep instrument windows same size & position?

Postby Testman » Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:58 pm

How to keep instrument windows same size & position?

Hello, new member trying out trial version now.

Instrument windows always seem to pop up at a predetermined size and screen position even after previous resizing/repositioning. Is there any way to "stick" them to what was last configured (it's annoying to have to resize & reposition them each time they are invoked).

I get repeated messages saying I have no sound card or sound card driver even though my computer has built-in sound on the MB and the signal generator produces sound through the speakers. The Setting/ADC and DAC Device are also greyed out.

Selecting DTMF in Signal Generator when it is running with another waveform resulted in a program crash. I restarted and none of the buttons did anything so closed and tried to restart again but the program is now missing from the Windows Start list! Weird. This on Win 7 64 bit.

I have also found other quirks/bugs(?), mainly with the Signal Generator which I will elaborate on later if I can get the program running again........

Post at 31-10-2011 12:16

Thank you for trying our software.

1. There are quite a few ways to manage the panel setting (including the size and position of windows)

1) You can save your preferred panel setting into a Panel Setting File via [Setting]>[Save Current Panel Setting], and load it into the software via [Setting]>[Load Panel Setting] whenever you need it later on.

2) You can save your preferred panel setting as default via [Setting]>[Save Current Panel Setting as Default], and it will be loaded into the software automatically at software startup.

3) You can let the software save the current setting on exit automatically via [Setting]>[Display]>[Save Current Panel Setting on exit].

4) You can assign your frequently used Panel Setting files to the buttons in the Hot Panel Setting Toolbar via [Setting]>[Configure Hot Panel Setting Toolbar] so that you can load one of these Panel Setting Files by only ONE mouse click. Up to 20 buttons can be configured in the Hot Panel Setting Toolbar. In this dialog, you can save your Hot Panel Setting Toolbar Configuration into a HPS file and load it whenever you need it later on.

5) You can lock the panel setting via [Help]>[Lock Panel Setting] so that the user cannot modify the current panel setting without a valid password except that he/she can load the panel setting from the Hot Panel Setting Toolbar if it is shown. To configure the password, go to [Setting]>[Password].

2. By default, the software will start the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer automatically at startup. If it does not find any sound card or sound card driver at that time, it will pop up the error message. If this error message only pops up at startup and subsequently the software does not report the error message, then you can go to [Setting]>[Display] and uncheck "Run oscilloscpe automatically after startup".

You can go to [Setting]>[ADC Device]. When "Sound Card MME" is selected in the Device Model field, you should see a least one entry in the Device No. field. Otherwise, you need to check whether a sound card and its driver is installed properly in your PC. The "DAC Device" seems to be working properly in your PC but it does not mean there is no problem on the "ADC Device". You can check whether the Sound Recorder under Windows runs properly.

If you stop the oscilloscope by clicking the green button at the upper left corner of the screen, most of the disabled menu items will be enabled.

3. The software supports 64-bit Windows 7. We have not encountered the problem you mentioned here. Maybe you can give us more details here. Was it possible that your anti-virus software mis-detected the software and removed it from the Windows startup list?

Post at 2-11-2011 10:17
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Re: How to keep instrument windows same size & position?

Postby Woolmer » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:23 pm

I am interrested in the LCR parts of multi-instrument , i download the demo but i have real trouble to calibrate it, it jump to 1% to "BAD" and sometime to "time out error" when sliding mic and volume control of the card . I tried hi and low impedance, no can do.
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Re: How to keep instrument windows same size & position?

Postby VirtinsTech » Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:37 pm

The LCR meter will check the quality of the signal returned by the Device Under Test. The test signal is sinusoidal. If the THD of the signal exceeds a certain limit or is too weak (which would affect the accuracy of the measurement), the "BAD" error will occur. The peak percentage of 1% showed that the signal was too weak. You can either increase the input gain of the sound card or increase its output volume to make the measured signal stronger to avoid the "BAD" error. The timeout error could also be due to the weak signal or discontinuity in the connection. It was too weak to trigger the oscilloscope which is set to single trigger mode under LCR mode.
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