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Latency setting

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 3:57 am
by fotis
I followed the M.I. manual to calculate the latency time of S.C.
In the given example, SR=48khz => Sig.Gen=5khz, etc.
The latency time I got, was about -480ms.
Later, I changed the SR to 192khz, Sig.Gen=20khz, sweep time = 200us, etc.
Now the latency time was about -170ms.
Which of the two I should assign in calibration?
Or, because I use as standard the 192khz SR (as does not cause problems) I should use the -170ms latency?


Re: Latency setting

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:22 pm
by VirtinsTech
Normally there is no need to use this latency setting. In case you really want to use it for synchronization between the oscilloscope and the signal generator, the same configuration (sampling rate, ....) should be used in both calibration and tests.

Without using the latency setting, synchronization can be achieved simply by setting the trigger parameters of the oscilloscope properly.

Re: Latency setting

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:26 am
by fotis
OK, I understand.

Thank you