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Re: IMD-SMPTE vs Amplitude Plot

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:56 pm
by VirtinsTech
Thanks for the effort. We got similar results for RTX6001 loopback test as follows.

(1) DTP using variables
DAC AutoRanging at -3dB via [Setting]>[DAC Device]>AutoRanging;
ADC AutoRanging at -3dB via the DTP;

ADCandDACautoRangingAt-3dB.png (18.56 KiB) Viewed 10091 times

(2) Your ADC manual ranging DTP
DAC AutoRanging at -3dB via [Setting]>[DAC Device]>AutoRanging;
ADC Manual Ranging at customized thresholds (generally lower than -3dB) via the DTP;

ADCCustomizedManualRangingandDACautoRangingAt-3dB.png (19.28 KiB) Viewed 10091 times

The above are RTX6001 loopback tests. A DUT generally has a substantial higher distortion than RTX6001 and therefore the ranging artefacts will likely be hidden in the actual tests with a DUT.

Re: IMD-SMPTE vs Amplitude Plot

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:35 pm
by lemon
Thank you very much for the supporting.