by VirtinsTech » Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:51 am
That is not a bug. By right, you should manually configure all the parameters for THD, IMD or Frequency Response measurements. For example, you can set THD measurement by right clicking the Spectrum Analyzer window and selecting [Spectrum Analyzer Processing]>"Parameter Measurement">"THD, THD+N, ...". Of course, you will have to manually set other THD measurement related parameters as well, including Record Length, Window Function, Window Overlap Percentage, test signal on the Signal Generator Panel, etc. If you change all these setting manually, the frequency compensation file will stay unchanged, UNLESS YOU LOAD A PANEL SETTING FILE (either through [Setting]>[Load Panel Setting] or by clicking a button in the Hot Panel Setting Toolbar), in which case the frequency compensation file specified in the preconfigured Panel Setting File will be loaded instead.
If you click the "THD", "IMDsmp" or "FRwhite" from the Hot Panel Setting Toolbar, the software will load a respective preconfigured PSF file, and all the current panel settings will be updated with what are specified in that PSF file. You can check and change the PSF file associated with the buttons in the Hot Panel Setting toolbar via [Setting]>[Configure Hot Panel Setting Toolbar].