MI-Automation and Multimeter

MI-Automation and Multimeter

Postby Testman » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:47 pm

MI-Automation and Multimeter

Is there a way, with automation code, to return/export the value of the multimeter?

Post at 28-6-2011 21:15

GetDDP() can be used to retrieve the value of any DDP (Derived Data Point) in real time. Please refer to Multi-Instrument Automation Server Interfaces for detail. There are currently 149 DDP points in Multi-Instrument, including those in the Multimeter windows. For a list of DDPs, please refer to Section 6.2.1 of the software manual.

Post at 30-6-2011 08:35

I was not aware that the multimeter windows were only availibe with the DDP stuff ... what you are saying means i need professional not just standard.

That is a big jump for adding a frequency measurement to my program.

Post at 30-6-2011 23:56

GetDDP() can be used in any version of MI. Pro version is not required. Pro version is required only if you want to use DDP viewer to view a DDP in a separate window.

Post at 1-7-2011 13:58
Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:51 pm

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